Being an overseas landlord, I find it very hard to be in the same timezone to call different estate agents. Even though Kayabee did not have a large range of estate agents available online for my area, the support staff called a number of estate agents on my behalf and gave me a really good estimate of what is available on the market. And it was all for free. Thank you for being so patient with me and for taking my very early phone calls.
I would recommend Kayabee. It is really simple and easy to use. I like the clean look!
What a great idea to help homeowners and landlors. I own a few properties around South East London and most of the time I would just stay with the existing managing agents because I don't have time to phone around. Even though there isn't that many agents for my area, I would certainly use this service going forward to get an idea of new agents and services on offer, and even give a couple of new agents a try.